For stuffing :
Ingredients ;
Red gram dhal 1 cup– Half Cooked, and water to be drained completely.
Cardamom – 4 to 6 nos
Jaggery - 1 cup
Grated Coconut – ½ cup
The above said things to be run in the mixie for even mixing. Small balls should be made out of it.
For outer covering
Maida flour – 1 ½ cups
Refined oil - 3 to 4 Table Spoon.
Salt to taste, Turmeric powder a pinch.
In a big bowl add maida flour, salt, turmeric powder along with the oil. Make it into dough. The dough should be mixed well for smooth finish. Add more oil and keep it aside for one hour.
Then take little dough and flatten it with hand. Place a small ball of the stuffing in the flattened dough and close it completely. Apply oil to the back side of a banana leaf. The closed side of the ball should rest on the oily side of banana leaf. The ball should be spread using hand moistened with oil.
On a preheated pan ( in low flame) place the banana leaf with flattened bholi resting on the pan. Using a flat wooden spatula try to separate the banana leaf and bholi in few seconds itself. Heat the bholi on the pan for few min. applying oil on both sides of bholi.
Serve hot with ghee or milk.
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